In the year 2022, the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta entered into a partner Service Agreement with the British American Tobacco Nigerian Foundation (BATN, Foundation) for a Graduate Agripreneurship programme funded by BATNF. So far, 6 (six) agripreneurs have been selected (for phase I and II) to participate in the programme and were given one […]
FUNAAB Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2) Zero Hunger Initiatives

The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) is committed to achieving Sustainable Development Goal SDG2, “Zero Hunger.” The university is engaged in a number of novel hands-on practical activities to promote sustainable agriculture and food security. FUNAAB promote zero hunger (SDG2) through the following food security initiatives Farm Practical Year (FPY) student training on production […]
Services at Biotechnology Centre, FUNAAB

Biotechnology Centre, FUNAAB offers these Services: Animal Biotechnology Laboratory Plant Biotechnology Laboratory Food Biotechnology Laboratory Bioinformatics Laboratory Analytical/Wet Biotechnology Laboratory
FUNAAB Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2) Zero Hunger Initiatives

FUNAAB Food Choices and Food Waste assessment on Campus FUNAAB has made available a number of food choices for staff and students on campus through numerous food vendors ranging from white rice, fried rice, boiled or fried eggs, beans, bread moimoi to fufu (cassava meal), semovita, panded yam and many more. These are part […]
FUNAAB Former Acting Vice – Chancellor Charges Management, Staff, Students to Absolutely Trust and Depend on God Alone to Build FUNAAB to An Enviable Standard and Status

Former Acting Vice – Chancellor, Prof. Ololade Enikuomehin has admonished the Vice – Chancellor, Prof. Olusola Babatunde Kehinde, Management team and the entire Staff and Students of the University to absolutely trust and depend solely on God to build FUNAAB to an enviable global standard and status. Prof. Enikuomehin gave the admonition in his Exhortation […]
FUNAAB Sustainable Development Goals (SDG2) Zero Hunger Initiatives

Food Waste Assessment on FUNAAB Campus This assessment was carried out using sampled popular food vendors of low, medium and high class in FUNAAB patronized by both staff and students from colleges to students food canteen joints on campus. Managers of selected food restaurants on campus were saddled with responsibility of gathering food waste from […]
FUNAAB 79th Inaugural Lecturer, Prof. Francis Showemimo Charges Govt to Create Special Intervention Fund for Plant Breeders, Others

A Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Prof. Francis Showemimo has called on the government to create a special intervention fund dedicated to agriculture, especially to train plant breeder’s and related discipline, even as he identified inadequate infrastructure as a major problem militating against breeding breakthroughs. He made this call while delivering the 79th Inaugural […]
FUNAAB Part -Time Students Commences Second Semester Examination ….Thanks Management For Creating Conducive Atmosphere

Part -Time Degree Students of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) have commenced Second Semester Examination. The Director of the Programme, Prof. Adeyinka Aladesida disclosed while fielding questions from FUNAAB Bulletin crew. According to him, the examination commenced on July 28th and will end on 13th August ,2023 Beaming with smile, the Director who […]
SIWES Orientates Non-Agricultural Students

Preparatory to embarking on Industrial Training Programme, the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), in collaboration with the Industrial Training Fund(ITF) has organised Orientation Programme for Batch B non-agricultural students of the University. Speaking at the programme, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Olusola Babatunde Kehinde, represented by the Deputy […]
FUNAAB Librarian Endows FUNAAB Staff School With Annual Academic Award for the “Best Library User”

The University Librarian, Dr. Kehinde Abayomi Owolabi has lifted FUNAAB Staff School with the much needed annual endowment of an Academic Award for the Best Library User among the pupils. Dr. Owolabi who is an unrepentant advocate of pragmatic exploration and deploration of Library resources for individual capacity development towards a better society and nation building announced […]
FUNAAB GETS NEW CHAIRMAN OF CODAD . . . . Appoints Prof. Olusiji Sunday Sowande

A renowned Professor of Ruminant Animal Production and substantive Dean, College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM), Prof. Olusiji Sunday Sowande has been unanimously appointed as Chairman, Committee of Deans and Directors (CODAD), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB). Mr. A. O. Agbotoba, Deputy Registrar I (Senate and Admissions) disclosed Prof. Sowande’s appointment in […]