Department of Soil Science & Land Management
PREAMBLE The Department was established as the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Mechanisation (SSAM) under the then College of Applied Science and Technology (CAPT). In 1989, the Department was placed under the College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT). The University Senate at its 131st meeting on April 28, 2004 approved the change […]
Department of Plant Physiology & Crop Production
Preamble The Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production (PPCP) is one of the five Departments in the College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT) of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (ABEOKUTA). It was created out of the former Department of Crop Production and Crop Protection and the former Department of Plant Physiology and […]
Department of Horticulture
Introduction Established in 1992, the Department of Horticulture remains the only full-fledged Department of Horticulture in Higher Education Institutions in the country to date. It was established to train both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the production, improvement, storage, handling and marketing of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals in addition to landscape gardening. The establishment of […]
Department of Ecomomics
Philosophy The general philosophy underlying Economics programme is to develop the mind through impartation of theoretical and practical knowledge to enable graduates of the Department acquire skills and ability to function in the academics, industries, public sector at national and international levels. Mission To build great future leaders and generate knowledge through research and intellectually […]
Department of Plant Breeding & Seed Technology
Preamble The Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Technology (PBST) is one of the five Departments in the College of Plant Science and Crop Production (COLPLANT) of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. It is the only Department of such in a Nigerian University. Its establishment is in acknowledgement of the pivotal position of plant […]
Department of Crop Protection
Preamble The Department of Crop Protection was carved out of the former Department of Crop Production and Crop Protection through the Senate approved restructuring of the Departments of Crop Production and Crop Protection and Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology. The former Department of Crop Production and Crop Protection existed as a unit of the Department […]
Department of Mechatronics Engineering
Philosophy The philosophy that guides the training programme is to produce graduates with high academic standard and adequate skills in mechatronics engineering to promote rapid industrialization and automation of industrial processes for self-reliance and environmental sustainability. Objectives The objectives of the Department are to produce graduates who will be able to: design engineering projects and […]
Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering
Philosophy The philosophy of the department of Electrical/Electronics engineering is to produce skilled manpower who understand the fundamentals and principles of the discipline, and who can generate technologies for the nation’s development as well as agricultural and technological advancement. We desire to produce graduates of high academic standard with adequate background and of immediate value […]
Department of Civil Engineering
Philosophy Regardless of how developed infrastructurally a nation is, new constructions, rehabilitation, remodeling upgrading, expansion, etc., will always be intensive, more so in developing/emerging nations, and opportunities continue to abound for Civil Engineers till the end of time! Hence, the need to replace present and archaic techniques in project production with modern more sophisticated techniques; […]
Department of Agricultural & Bio-Resources Engineering
Philosophy The philosophy of the Department is the production of skilled engineering manpower adequately furnished with comprehensive information required for providing scientific and engineering solutions to the nation’s agricultural, bioresources, and ecological problems. These graduates are produced with the aim of improving agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability and poverty reduction. Our graduates are trained to be […]
Department of Pasture And Range Management
The Department, at the time of inception of the University in 1988 was anchored in the College of Plant Science and Crop Production. It took off in September 1991 with the assumption of duty of the first academic staff and coordinator and admission of students from the 1992/93 session. With a restructuring programme in 1994, […]
Department of Animal Production & Health
The Department of Animal Production and Health was established in 1989 at its minicampus Isale-Igbein which is located in the centre of Abeokuta. The Department moved along with the University to the permanent site in December 1997. The Department emphasizes modern way of teaching and research in Animal Production. The Department has three laboratories for […]