Department Of Pure And Applied Botany


Introduction Historical Background

The Department of Pure and Applied Botany is one of the four Departments in the College of Biosciences. The Department of Pure and Applied Botany was established December 1, 2014 when the Department of Biological Sciences was split into the Department of Pure and Applied Botany and Department of Pure and Applied Zoology.

The academic staff of the department comprises renowned academics and researchers with vast knowledge in their areas of specialization. The department provides sound academic teaching in specialized areas of Botany at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels i.e. PGD, M.Sc. and Ph.D. It has a Botanical Garden, screen house and adequately equipped laboratory for practicals.


The Pure and Applied Botany programme is designed to provide students with sound understanding of the concept and methodologies of Botany with focus on key areas of human development, thereby contributing to national development and integrity.


The three basic need of man (food, shelter and clothing), are provided either directly or indirectly by plants. Therefore, Botany which is the scientific study of plants is of great importance for the continued existence of humans on Earth. Therefore, the Department has the following objectives:

  1. To provide students with a broad and balanced foundation of botany knowledge and practical skills.
  2. To develop in students the ability to apply knowledge and skills to solving theoretical and practical problems in botany.
  3. To develop in student, a range of transferable skills that are of value in Pure and Applied Botany employment.
  4. To provide students with knowledge and skills that will enhance further studies in specialized areas of Pure and Applied Botany or multi-disciplinary areas involving botany.
  5. To provide, through training and orientation, an appreciation of the salutary rewards of inter-and-multi-disciplinary approach to the solution of complex life problems
  6. To generate in students an appreciation of the importance of Pure and Applied Botany in industrial, economic, environmental, technological and social development.

The programme is structured to include period of formal studies (lecture, practical and tutorial), industrial training, planned field trips and research projects. Emphasis is given to computer training as well as using practical approach to solving problems in Pure and Applied Botany.

Duration of the programme

The duration of the B.Sc. degree in Pure and Applied Botany shall normally be four academic sessions (8 semesters) for students admitted into the 100 level and three academic sessions (six semesters) for those that come in through Direct Entry at 200 level.

Minimum Academic Requirements for Graduation

To qualify for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Sciences (Pure and Applied Botany), a student must have fulfilled the following approved minimum academic standards:

  1. Spent not less than 2, 3 or 4 years on the programme depending on point of entry
  2. Passed all the University (compulsory) courses iii. Passed all the department’s (core) courses and the required electives iv. Must not have exceeded the minimum periods specified above by more than two years
  3. Must have a CGPA of 1.0

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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
